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Première mondiale: un "pigball" à Moscou

Moscow will host the first in the world history pigball match

The Federation of Sportive Pig-breeding, founded by a group of
devotees, is organizing pig races. The special "pigdrome", 150 meters
long, has been built for the contestants. 15 swine of the "military"
breed will take part in a heat.

"These swine are long-legged, lean, nimble, in good sportive form
and craving for victory," said a veterinary and since recently a coach
Sergei Spirin, an organizer of the races.

He said that the contestants were coached daily. "The conditioned
and unconditioned reflexes play an important role in coaching. The
swine don't have a feed before the start and get a carrot at the
finish. The grunt of the contestants' mom also cheers them up",
explained Mr. Spirin.

Besides the races for the carrot prize, the swine will play
pigball. "We failed to train them how to kick goal, and one team will
have just to drive the ball into the territory of another team, like in
rugby," said Sergei Knyazev, the vice-president of the Federation of
Sportive Pig-breeding.

As he explained to RIAN,
the animals identify the players of their own team by smell.

Each team
will have five swine.
The contests will be held on June 4-5 in the
Moscow's pavilion "Crocus-Expo".

Trouvé chez Russia Makes It Funny.
Admirez ci-dessus le lien vers RIAN, l'agence officielle de presse Novosty.
Merci Fabrice pour qui "On vit une époque formidable". Il a bien raison.
